Sunday, January 26, 2014

Workboxing Outside the Box: Simplifying the Space Consuming "Workbox System"

Let me start by praising the "Workbox System." I can't say enough good things about it. It turned my world around, and led me to more peaceful days. For that, I am grateful. I love that I don't have to stop in the middle of a lesson with one child, to tell another what to do next. I adore the extra moments I can spend building play dough forts, with my preschooler, since the older two have clear instructions to follow. However, the system is quite space consuming, and a little restricting for my independent workers. They like to work in the order they choose. Some days, my daughter likes to start with spelling. Other days, she may prefer to begin with math. My son likes to skim through all his assignments, and begin with what he feels will be the most involved/time consuming, then finish with his lighter work.

So, here's how I "Workbox" outside the box. I have a great love for Post-its, I mean my husband really should be jealous. I use them for anything and everything. On topic, I use them to dole out assignments.

 First, I consult my planner, where I spend time each Sunday, planning out the week's assignments. Then, I write directions, like this...

Or like this...

Next, I post those directions on the corresponding page of a textbook, poking out to be easily seen...

Lastly, I stack the books in the cubby beneath the child's desk...

THAT'S IT. So simple, so efficient. Each kid can work in whichever order they choose, as long as they complete all of the assignments.They are responsible for keeping up with their binders/composition notebooks, and for turning in their assignments on time. When they are learning new material, I post a "see mom" note and a lesson follows. If they need help or have a question, I'm 100% available (usually in the same room, but if not, easily located--check the laundry room, lol). Cheap and easy...just the way I like it.

 What's your system like?

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