
Friday, May 2, 2014

Day in the Life: Our Typical Homeschool Friday

Last installment in this series. Please be sure to check out our Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Day-in-the-Life posts as well, for a comprehensive example of what an entire homeschool week is like, for us.


This was our day, on May 2, 2014. It was a very typical Friday, with the exception of being stuck inside, because of the rain.

My day began with some sweet snuggles from my four year old, who climbed into my bed. Then, I sat on the back porch with my coffee and a great book, that my sister-in-law recommended, while my youngest followed his dad around, during his morning routine. 

Once the hubs was off to work, and the older kids were up, I made them breakfast taquitos.

After everyone ate, washed up, and finished their chores, we got down to business. My daughter started with language arts, while my oldest read his literature assignment (The Odyssey Part 2), and my youngest played quietly in his room.

Next, my 14 year old did a typing lesson, that related to his literature study. My 9 year old did a bevy of review math problems on the white board, as I watched for any mistakes. During this time, my preschooler painted.


Then, we played a few rounds of Scrabble.

Still raining, so we watched a Bill Nye.

My daughter practiced her drums (she takes lessons online), while we all enjoyed the dope beats.

Lastly, a typical Friday "fun snack" and a little free reading. 

That concludes school, for this Friday. We typically finish an hour or two earlier on Fridays, than we do the rest of the week. It was a quiet day, excluding the drum session, of course. We'd much prefer to be out doors, but rainy days are nice enough. Friday is homemade pizza night, and family movie night. So we're getting geared up for that. It's been a good Friday.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day in the Life: Our Typical Homeschool Thursday

This is the fourth installment in this series. I'm enjoying sharing our days with you.

This was our day, on April 24, 2014. It was a very typical Thursday.

My day started with coffee and making a stack of pancakes. Each kid woke and ate at their own pace. 

Once everyone was up and at 'em, my 9 year old and I worked on her grammar, while my 14 year old showered, and my 4 year old finished his pancakes and watched Bubble Guppies.

Next, I gave my daughter her math lesson. She then worked on problems from her textbook, while my oldest did his algebra, and my youngest played on

Then, my 9th grader and my 4th grader worked on their science, while my preschooler played with some of my stamps.

I quickly made and packed a lunch, of quesadillas and frozen grapes, which they ate in the car, on the way to art lessons.

The "big kids" had a private art lesson, and the little one and I ran errands.
(photo courtesy of Kathy Bunn)

Then, my oldest had some physical therapy, while we waited.

The doctor said he couldn't believe how well behaved and patient my kids are. So, I treated them all to milkshakes!! (Don't worry, I'm parked!)

After a quick wardrobe change for the little one (the milkshake wasn't the wisest choice for a snack in the car), we headed outside. The older ones worked on a geography project, while my 4 year old enjoyed some well deserved play time.

That's where our homeschool day ended, and our family evening began. I'm working on dinner, as I blog (another not so wise choice, lol). Then we have some packing to do, for a weekend trip. It's been a good Thursday.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day in the Life: Our Typical Homeschool Wednesday

I thought by now I may regret deciding to do this series, but it's not so hard to just take pictures throughout your day, and write a quick post to go along with them. This is installment number three.

It was a chilly day, for April. We had been having beautiful 75-80 degree days, but yesterday it stormed, leaving today in the 50's and windy. We didn't let it deter us though. We've been doing "fun school" this week, in stead of taking an entire week for spring break. I really didn't want to lose all of those days, so we're taking off Friday and Monday of Easter weekend, and that's it. This way, summer break comes sooner!

This was our day, on April 16, 2014. It was a typical "fun school" Wednesday.

My day started with coffee and a round of Candy Land, with this cutie.

Once the older two were up, I made them all some breakfast.

Next, while my oldest was doing his chores, my daughter worked on her typing.

Then, while my daughter was working on her chores, my oldest did his online Spanish lesson.

Afterward, we met some fellow homeschool pals at a local park.

But the wind was too much, so we made our way to our friends' house, for some more play time for the kids, and more chat time for us moms.

Everyone was having so much fun, that we didn't want to leave. So we stayed, snacked a bit in lieu of lunch, and the kids played some more, while we moms continued gabbing.

Once we returned home, we jumped on an engineering project, an egg drop competition.

After having my youngest test several locations, with just a plain egg, we settled on our tennis court. 

My daughter's contraption didn't fare too well, so it was back to the drawing board, for her.

My oldest son's apparatus did very well, not a crack.

My daughter tried again and.....success!!

Then a quick snack (watergate salad)....

...and outside for some reading. The afternoon turned out rather pretty, once the wind died down.

This is when our homeschool day ends, and our family evening begins. We're having some left over chili-mac. My husband has a friend over, helping him drain the pool, so we can clean it. I'm heading out, once I finish this post, to do some top-secret Easter shopping. Then, we'll do the usual hang-out, watch tv, get everyone bathed and off to bed routine. It was a good Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day in the Life: Our Typical Homeschool Tuesday

I promised to do one of these, once a week, for 5 weeks, highlighting a different day each time. This is installment number two.

It was a wet and yucky day, which changed our plans, but that's part of life. It was still a fairly typical Tuesday, so it meets the criteria I set for myself, in this 'Day in the Life' series. 

This is our day, on April 8, 2014. It was a fairly typical Tuesday, or at least a typical rainy day.

My day started earlier than the others'. After getting breakfast in the oven, I sat on the back porch, watching the rain, sipping coffee, and checking the news.

Once the kids were up, they had breakfast (baked oatmeal with bananas and a drizzle of maple syrup), did their morning chores (feed the cats, empty the dishwasher, and take out the trash), and washed up for the day. I declared it pajama day, so no one got dressed!

Then, it was down to business. My daughter started with spelling and language arts, my oldest son did his algebra (with the help of an online tutor program), and my youngest son worked in one of his workbooks.

Next, my daughter had a math lesson, followed by answering some problems from her math text book. My 14 year old knocked out some civics. My preschooler put out a few pretend fires in the play room.

We had planned to meet some fellow homeschoolers at a local park, for some PE and a picnic lunch. However, even though the rain had stopped by lunch time, it was far too wet. So we moms rescheduled for later in the week, and my kids did some basic calisthenics (jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, bear crawls, lunges, etc.), in the hallway for PE. 

Lunch was easy, as I already had it packed for our scheduled afternoon at the park. Homemade chicken salad, wheat crackers, slices of cheese, and frozen grapes were on the menu.

After lunch, my daughter had an online drum lesson, my oldest had an online Spanish lesson, and my youngest sat on his sister's bed, watching her drum lesson. Lol!

Then, we did a little anatomy. 

After science, I whipped up some cheddar popcorn and we watched a great documentary by National Geographic, titled "The New World: Nightmare in Jamestown", as part of the Colonial America unit study I've pieced together, in preparation for our upcoming field trip to Colonial Williamsburg and Historic Jamestowne.

We ended our rainy Tuesday, as we end all our homeschool days, with some reading.

This is where our homeschool day ends, and our family evening begins. I have a few chores to knock out, then I'll cook dinner, we'll eat as a family (once my husband arrives home), do some dishes, spend some time together, maybe a little tv, wash up, and head to bed. It was a good Tuesday. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Day in the Life: Our Typical Homeschool Monday

I will try to do one of these a week, for the next five weeks, highlighting a different day each time. They may or may not be in order, as I want them to be "typical" days, and unfortunately I have no control over what life throws at us.

Our Typical Homeschool Monday:
Mondays are our back-to-the-grind days, as they are for most people. After a weekend of coming and going, staying up later than usual, and just plain over doing the fun, Mondays are for quiet regrouping. This is the one day I try not to leave the house.

This was our day, on March 31, 2014. It was a very typical Monday.

To begin, I had coffee, checked the news, and watched my 4 year old play with blocks and snack on cereal.

Next, I woke the late sleepers, and made breakfast: bacon, egg, and cheese burritos for the older 2, cheese toast for the youngest, and fruit for all.

Then, after we had all washed up and completed morning chores (basically just feeding the cats & letting them out, and emptying the trash & dishwasher), we were ready to work. My daughter started with spelling and language arts, my oldest son did his algebra (with the help of an online tutor program), and my preschooler worked on letter formation, then cutting practice.

About 45 minutes later, I taught my daughter her math lesson, while my oldest son read his civics lesson, and my 4 year old played with Unifix Cubes. Whatever works! 

Once the concepts were grasped, my daughter answered math problems from her book, my oldest son answered essay questions from his civics book, my preschooler played somewhat quietly, and I folded laundry, while attempting to catch up on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Ha! (I remained available, to answer any questions of course.)

After the morning's assignments were completed, we headed outside for a bit of fresh air.

LUNCH!!! Today we had leftover spaghetti & meatballs and salads.

My preschooler was whiny, so after cleaning up this adorable mess, I laid him down for a nap.

Then, my oldest worked on his literature studies, and my 9 year old knocked out a little science.

Once they finished those assignments, my daughter worked on a social studies/map skills project, and my 14 year old worked on an earth science experiment.

Projects/experiments completed, they both moved on to their afternoon reading. I jumped back on the laundry for a bit, then picked up some clutter, and swept the kitchen. 

Little one's up! Quick snack...

...then back outside, for him! The big ones have "free time," and can do as they wish, within reason of course. My oldest jumped on his iPod and Play Station to play games, and chat with friends. My daughter shot hoops for about 20 minutes, before hopping on her iPod.  

This is where our homeschool day ends, and our family evening begins. I'll cook dinner, while the kids hang out, probably watching TV or playing....or both. Then, we'll have family dinner, do dishes, get everyone clean, spend some time together, and get everyone off to bed. It was a pretty good Monday.